MaaS Scotland: Annual Conference & Dinner
Hilton Carlton Hotel EdinburghMaaS Scotland is delighted to announce that its Annual Conference and Dinner will return in person on Thursday 23rd June at the Hilton Edinburgh Carlton Hotel in Edinburgh.
MaaS Scotland is delighted to announce that its Annual Conference and Dinner will return in person on Thursday 23rd June at the Hilton Edinburgh Carlton Hotel in Edinburgh.
The IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Europe (WiPDA-Europe) will be held at the University of Warwick, UK
Join our speakers and other guest experts for an interactive day, full with insightful presentations, round tables and Q&A’s about how they’ve implemented winning functional safety strategies throughout the value chain.
WiPDA-Europe 2024 is not only a space to showcase technological updates and research findings but also a forum to share practical experiences and explore potential applications of wide-bandgap power devices.
The CEDR funded Trusted Integrity and Authenticity for Road Applications (TIARA) [1] project is happy to announce an upcoming online workshop focusing on three main topics for you or your organisation to choose.
This in-person intermediate seminar is ideal for those familiar with the concept of an SDV as well as for those attended Vector Helps You Prepare for Software-Defined Vehicles Seminar.