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Join hundreds of UK tech leaders, ministers, universities and funders & help shape the UK position in the Deep Tech Industry

The Summit provides an invaluable opportunity to broaden your perspectives on current issues facing our industry.


The UK economy and technology industry is going through unprecendented change. The aim of the summit is to share the success and achievements of Techworks in the last 12 months and to look forward to the challenges and opportunities that the Deep Tech sector offers us and how we plan to leverage these by forming new collabortive networks.


Welcome buffet lunch
Welcome –Alan Banks, CEO Techworks
Opening Address – Sir Hossein Yassaie, TechWorks Chairman of the Board
A ‘new dawn’ for TechWorks – Alan Banks, CEO Techworks
Looking back at our success in 2019 (inc. partnerships) – Alan Banks, CEO Techworks


Overcoming the challenges of a new technology revolution in established industries

Introduction – Alan Banks, CEO Techworks
Automotive – Paul Jarvie & Steve Lambert
Internet of Things – John Moor & Stephen Patterson
Semi Conductor Industry – Chris Bennett & Leesa Kingman
The need for new skills – Stewart Edmondson
Diversity & Inclusion – Jim Nicholas & Leesa Kingman


Supporting the UK Economy to grow beyond Brexit – with exploitation of new and emerging technologies invented in the UK

Emerging Deep Tech opportunities and alignment to UK Gov’t Strategy – Alan Banks, CEO Techworks
Engineering AI Systems: Too important to leave to chance – Bashir Mohammed Ali Al-Hashimi, University of Southampton
User experience – Jim Nicholas, Uniphy
Opportunities for Technology in the Life Sciences Sector – Penny Owen, NPL
New Innovate UK Technology report and Electech 2.0 – Tony King-Smith, Electech UK

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For full details visit the TechWorks Awards website

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