As part of BSI’s Net Zero Week – and with a focus on road transport – this session will discuss the role emerging technologies are playing, supported by standards, in helping deliver zero-emission/carbon transport and vehicles.
Speakers from across the transport sector will also explore zero-emission enabling technologies including battery EVs, materials, power electronics, motors and drives (PEMD), and technology for use in freight and HGVs.
The webinar will conclude with a roundtable discussion and a Q & A.
14:00 – 14:20 Introductions and overview / Key trends and Drivers – Katerina Busuttil, Senior Standards Manager, British Standards Institution (BSI)
14:20 – 15:00 Spotlight On ‘what technologies can contribute towards achieving zero-emission transport’
1. Faraday Battery Challenge – Jacqui Murray, Deputy Director, Faraday Battery Challenge, Innovate UK
2. Composite materials as a strategic enabler of zero carbon transport – Stella Job, Sustainability Manager, Composites UK
3. Developing a power electronics supply chain – Alastair McGibbon, Head of Collaborative R&D, Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult and AESIN PEMD Workstream Lead
4. Zero-emission technologies in Freight Transport – Anthony Velazquez, Head of Environment and Decarbonisation, TRL
15:00 – 15:20 Q&A Chaired by Katerina Busuttil, Senior Standards Manager, British Standards Institution (BSI)
15:20 End of the webinar