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Bridging the gap: Roads and Vehicles

You are invited to this special online workshop jointly organised by AESIN, ITS-UK and the TTF. It is the second edition following on from the 2023 event “Clash of the Systems.”

Connected mobility necessitates that we bridge the gap between road infrastructure and the vehicle. Road and vehicle side experts will present their positions as we explore topics including tangible use cases, security, user experience and how we can make it all a reality in the UK.

This is event is aimed at industry stakeholders, academics and researchers looking to contribute and building collaborations in the themed area.

NOTE: After registering for this event you will be emailed a link to join the conference online

13:00pm Introduction – AESIN, ITS-UK and TTF
13:05pm Presentations: Luca Arnaboldi, Birmingham University, Peter Lockhart, AESIN
 13:30pm Workshop session 1 – Use Cases to bring roads and vehicles together
 14:15pm Presentations: Invited speakers from National Highways, Beam Connectivity
 14:45pm Coffee break
15:00pm Workshop session 2 – Data, connectivity and privacy
15:30pm Wrap up and close

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