Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult

Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult was established in 2018 by Innovate UK to help the UK become a global leader in compound semiconductors.

CSA Catapult is the UK’s authority on compound semiconductor applications and commercialisation.

CSA Catapult is a centre of excellence with state-of-the-art equipment that specialises in the measurement, characterisation, integration and validation of compound semiconductor technology across four areas – power electronics, advanced packaging, radio frequency (RF) and microwave, and photonics.
We work with large organisations, SMEs and academia to de-risk and optimise their technologies, and to grow the UK industry. We are a trusted, neutral convener, bringing innovators, industry and academia together to build new supply chains across the UK.

Our state-of-the-art equipment is used in the measurement, characterisation, integration and validation of compound semiconductor technology.
Compound semiconductors will enable a host of new and exciting applications, helping us achieve Net Zero and ensuring that the UK has a resilient future telecoms network.