Perception Sensors for CAM
- About: Description coming soon
- Chair: Professor Valentina Donzella, Intelligent Vehicles Sensors, WMG University of Warwick

- About: Description coming soon
- Chair: Jim Nicholas, Chief Executive Officer, Uniphy Ltd

- About: Description coming soon
- Chair: Peter Davies, Technical Director,
Thales e-Security - Co-Chair: Paul Wooderson, Chief Engineer Cybersecurity, HORIBA MIRA

Systems Engineering for Cyber Physical Systems
- About: The modern automotive is part of a wider connected complex ecosystem with properties being influenced by external forces outside the control of the automotive OEMs. These include, but are not limited to, changing customer demand, accessibility, convenience, product differentiation, affordability, quality, resilience, industry consolidation, etc. The object of this special interest group is to understand the impact of the wider ecosystem and help the industry engineer products and business model drive benefits to both manufacturers and the wider community
- Chair: Pete Lockhart, Systems Engineering Expert
- Co-Chair: Alan Walker, Syselek Ltd

Software Defined Vehicle (SDV)
- About: The SDV SIG has been established to help the Automotive industry design and create vehicles that depend on software for their operation. The AESIN membership includes organisations that can assist with all aspects of SDV, including design tools, services, embedded software, safety, cybersecurity, model-creation, and supporting hardware/semiconductors. The AESIN SDV represents a unique industry-wide collaboration that will be essential to enable creation of the next generation of vehicles
- Chair: Andrew Patterson, SDV Hub