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ITS & Automotive: Clash of the Systems

ITS UK, AESIN and TTF are proud to jointly host a workshop addressing the challenges and opportunities of a future of greater system integration of vehicles and infrastructure. The event will take place ahead of the MOVE trade show in London (21 to 22 June 2023).

Attendees will hear presentations of use cases with different viewpoints:

– New ITS applications and the vehicle solutions to enable these.
– New vehicle functionalities and the challenges placed on PDI.

Growing software and electronics content in vehicles and road infrastructure are leading to greater intelligence and capabilities of the systems. This trajectory will continue, including rising infrastructure dependency of some autonomy.

However, much of the associated data resides at organisations with established business models and customers. Concerns exist about greater system integration of vehicles and infrastructure, about sharing data and resolving privacy, about who pays for it, and uncertainty over valuing and monetising system aspects with new customer relationships. But if these concerns can be overcome, there are functionality and commercial opportunities to be unlocked for both vehicle and infrastructure stakeholders.

As new commercial partnerships develop, with varying services and customers, the historically siloed communities from roads and vehicles need more collaboration.

Breakout sessions will explore technical challenges, business incentives, and emerging solutions, with the aim of producing a short paper as an output from the session.


13:30 Registration and Refreshments
14:00 Intros to ITS, AESIN, TTF and SMLL
14:10 Scene setting, expectations
14:20 Presentation

Future ITS application and provision by vehicle systems – Scene Setting
“What Local Authorities require from Connected Cars” – Paul Darlow, Portsmouth City Council
Oxford Local Authority View Point – Ruth Anderson, Oxfordshire County Council (invited)
“Who pays for connectivity” RAC Foundation – Andy Graham, White Willow Consulting

14:40 Break out Session 1 (Top 5 challenges with ratings)

What are the challenges from ITS
5 Challenges and some ratings
Quick Feedback to group

15:20 Refreshments and Networking

15:50 Presentation

Future vehicle applications and challenges to ITS – Scene Setting
Autonomy and Connectivity levels plus business opportunities – Shane Keilty, Ford (invited)
Perception systems and with support from ITS system (Future ADAS) – Graham Lee (WMG) (invited)
OEM & Tier 1 view point – Ged Lancaster, TAE Power / Simon Morley, Bosch (invited)

16:20 Break out Session 2 (Top 5 challenges with ratings)

OEM Data challenges
5 Challenges and some ratings
Quick Feedback to group

17:00 Feedback from Break Out Sessions 1 & 2 and next steps

17:30 Networking following by drinks (TBD)

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