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AESIN Tech Talk

Please join us for our AESIN Tech Talk.

Streamed each month throughout the year, our webinars are open to both AESIN members and guests. With AESIN’s Gunny Dhadyalla hosting, we provide attendees the chance to listen, learn and ask questions.

Each month we will have a guest speaker giving a talk on subjects relevant to the automotive electronics community.

If you are a member and would like to put yourself forward as a speaker please Contact Us

If you are not a member and interested in joining please click here to find out more about the benefits of joining AESIN.

The months speaker : Iain Cunningham

Iain Cunningham is the presenter of the “EnginEEring the Jigsaw” video series that explains the technologies and concepts that are being built into the electrical/electronic (‘E/E’) systems of modern vehicles, and how Vector helps engineers to simplify their daily work. Each episode gives a focused overview of a single topic relevant to modern vehicle E/E systems, and then directs the viewer to further, more detailed sources of information. All episodes may be found at vector.com/jigsaw

Iain has worked for Vector since 2013, where he is responsible for supporting customers in their use and deployment of Vector products in the areas of digital engineering and diagnostics. Prior to joining Vector, Iain was Head of Electrical Systems Engineering at LEC2 and Director of Electrical Systems at Modec, in addition to working for many large automotive companies both at OEMs and in the supply chain. Iain graduated from Brunel University in 1996 with a BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Electronic Systems, and Coventry University in 2012 with an MSc (with Distinction) Control Engineering. He is a member of INCOSE and the IET, and an associate member of the IMechE.

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