Work Package 4

Privacy in C-ITS Applications

The main role of this WP revolves around ensuring that road users can trust that the road operators are using data in a lawful and sensible manner. As more data about road operators’ customers is being collected by the grace of C-ITS, it becomes essential that road authorities strive to be open and transparent about it. This is especially the case for the subsequent (re)use of such data sets. Hence, road authorities should understand the types of information, characteristics, behavioural patterns, etc. that can be inferred about the customers from the data that is collected on them. To this end, this WP will help NRAs to understand the privacy impacts of the processed road user location data, as well as providing recommendations to improve the location privacy-preservation. Consequently, WP4 will address an academic review and analysis of the privacy implications of C-ITS, mainly centred around the following questions/aspects raised in the DoRN:

  • Overview of research into connected vehicle re-identification or deanonymisation and research into associated preventive measures.
  • Analysis of the information about road users that could be leaked from C-ITS data and the potential impact on the data subject.
  • Analysis of the current measures and recommendations for additional measures to make re-identification reasonably impossible.
  • Analysis of pitfalls that would increase the risk of re-identification: what to avoid in future use cases? What data cannot be added?
  • Recommendations for how the understanding of the privacy provided by the system can be maintained as new use cases and as the use of data becomes more widespread.
Task 4.1  Connected vehicle deanonymisation research review
Task 4.2 Impact study
Task 4.3 Current measures and additional measures to reduce risks
Task 4.5 Pitfalls that would increase the risk of re-identification
Task 4.6 Future Recommendations