Work Package 1

Project Management, Coordination, and Engagement

This WP will ensure efficient overall coordination and day-to-day management of the project, including the technical coordination, optimal project processes and deliverables, maximum cooperation between consortium partners and WPs, and on budget and on time delivery of all WPs.

This WP will also provide Quality Assurance that the study objectives meet the requirement of the PEB.

The administration will also include organisation of the kick-off meeting (KOM), final presentation, and progress reporting throughout duration of the project.

Task 1.1 Project initialisation
Task 1.3 Project commencement
Task 1.4 Expert Engagement, study support, esp. standardisation, validation
Expert workshops planning: (i) room, (ii) experts, (iii) materials [2.1,3.1,4.1]
Expert workshops face-to-face
Task 1.5 Reporting, communication, financial. coordination, quality control
Task 1.6 Dissemination and outreach to NRAs and other stakeholders
PEB meetings
Task 1.8 Final presentation and conference